Table of Contents

About Collab.Land

How did Collab.Land start?

Collab.Land has its roots as the Collab-19 bot, a submission to the ETH-Money hackathon in May of 2020 in response to Covid-19. Using ERC20 tokens, the Collab-19 bot managed access to a gated Telegram channel. In October of 2020 Collab.Land had grown to also support Discord. As of today, Collab.Land has over 53k registered communities.

What is Collab.Land?

Collab.Land is the most-used tool for Token Granted Access (TGA). TGA uses blockchain assets to create aligned communities within Discord, Telegram, and beyond!

Collab.Land Mission, Vision, and Values

Collab.Land is empowering tokenized communities with member verification and collaboration tools to build mutually-aligned interest systems and create positive-sum change.

View the Mission, Vision, and Values page for more.

How can I contact Collab.Land support?

To protect our users and prevent scams we do not handle support questions via Discord.

For support questions, please check the FAQ, submit a support ticket , or email us at: support(@)

What is the Collab.Land bot?

The Collab.Land bot is an automated community management tool that curates membership based on token ownership. We begin with initial verification, confirming that each prospective member possesses the required token(s) to join and participate in your community, and follow up with routine checks to confirm members continuously satisfy your requirements.

$COLLAB token

What is $COLLAB?

The $COLLAB token is an ERC-20 fungible token used for governance of the Collab.Land Co-op DAO on the Optimism network. Contract address is 0x8B21e9b7dAF2c4325bf3D18c1BeB79A347fE902A and you can view the contract on Optimistic Etherscan.

How do I view the $COLLAB token?

The $COLLAB token is an ERC-20 fungible token used for governance of the Collab.Land Co-op DAO on the Optimism network. Contract address is 0x8B21e9b7dAF2c4325bf3D18c1BeB79A347fE902A and you can view the contract on Optimistic Etherscan.

There are several things that need to be setup in order to view your $COLLAB tokens.

  1. Configure your wallet to use the Optimism network
    1. How to add the Optimism network to MetaMask (or preferred EVM wallet)
  2. Import $COLLAB token contract to your wallet
    1. How to add the $COLLAB token to MetaMask (or preferred EVM wallet)

<aside> 💡 NOTE: It's free to claim $COLLAB, but you'll need $ETH on OP to pay gas to do anything with your $COLLAB tokens.

Get ETH to pay for gas on Optimism network. 👉 Get started 👈

  1. Bridge ETH from mainnet OR On-ramp fiat directly to OP </aside>

What is $COLLAB used for?

$COLLAB is the governance token of the Collab.Land Co-op. It is used for voting on how to allocate funds from the DAO treasury to fund project proposals submitted to the DAO.

It is also the signaling mechanism of the Collab.Land Marketplace. $COLLAB is used to submit Miniapps to the Marketplace, to signal high quality Miniapps, and to install Miniapps to Collab.Land-managed servers.
